Will it Dockerize?

My view of what virtual machines could be was a bit outdated... Perhaps....? The experience of getting one of the previous pull requests in the Code Talker repo running on my machine got me thinking about ways to try to make it easier for people to use code that needed to pull in a variety of dependencies (from packages to full on programs), and have them work on their machine without a ton of mucking about installing things manually. So far, the logistics of getting a speech-to-text extension for VS Code to work across multiple platforms (since VS Code works across multiple platforms), was proving a logistical challenge. There were unique dependencies that needed to be installed on different platforms to be able to pull audio from a machine's microphone, and on top of simple NodeJS packages that could be pulled in with "npm install", there were some Python dependencies that were needed too. Musings on cross-platform compatibility started originally when I was ...